The Rescuers Down Under
A lawless poacher wants to capture a majestic and rare golden eagle, so he kidnaps the boy who knows where to find the bird. Not to worry — the Rescue Aid Society’s top agents, heroic mice Miss Bianca and Bernard, fly to Australia to save the day. Accompanying the fearless duo are bumbling albatross Wilbur and local field operative Jake the Kangaroo Rat.
Views: 227
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Crime, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Mystery
Director: Bill Perkins, Hendel Butoy, Mike Gabriel
Actors: Adam Ryen, Bernard Fox, Bob Newhart, Douglas Seale, Eva Gabor, Frank Welker, George C. Scott, John Candy, Peter Firth, Tristan Rogers, Wayne Robson
Keywords:Bernando y Bianca en Cangurolandia Bernard & Bianca - SOS fra Australien Bernard & Bianca Australiassa Bernard & Bianca i Australien Bernard & Bianca: Peripeteies stin akri tis Gis Bernard et Bianca au pays des kangourous Bernard i Bianka w krainie kangurów Bernard ja Bianca Australiassa Bernard och Bianca i Australien Bernard og Bianca i Australia Bernard und Bianca im Känguruland Bernardo e Bianca na Cangurulândia Bernardo e Bianca na Terra dos Cangurus Bernardo y Bianca en Cangurolandia Bianca e Bernie nella terra dei canguri De reddertjes in Kangoeroeland Los rescatadores en Cangurolandia Mentőcsapat a kenguruk földjén Spasioci u Australiji Μπερνάρ και Μπιάνκα: Περιπέτειες στην Ακρη της Γης Спасатели в Австралии Спасителите: В Австралия