The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
A senator, who became famous for killing a notorious outlaw, returns for the funeral of an old friend and tells the truth about his deed.
Views: 262
Director: John Ford, Wingate Smith
Actors: Andy Devine, Edmond O'Brien, James Stewart, Jeanette Nolan, John Carradine, John Qualen, John Wayne, Ken Murray, Lee Marvin, Vera Miles, Willis Bouchey
Keywords:Aki lelőtte Liberty Valance-t Alrajol allazi atlagh alnar 'ala liberty falance Covek koji je ubio Liberti Valansa Čovek koji je ubio Libertija Valansa Czlowiek der Liberty Valance erschoß Der Mann Der Mann der Liberty Valance erschoss El hombre que mató a Liberty Valance Kahramanin Sonu który zabil Liberty Valance'a ktorý zastrelil Libertyho Valancea L'home que va matar Liberty Valance L'homme qui tua Liberty Valance L'uomo che uccise Liberty Valance Manden der skød Liberty Valance Mannen som skjøt Liberty Valance Mannen som sköt Liberty Valance Mardi ke liberty valance ra kosht Mies joka ampui Liberty Valancen Muz O anthropos pou skotose ton Liberty Valance O Homem Que Matou Liberty Valance O Homem que Matou o Facínora Omul care l-a împuşcat pe Liberty Valance Ribati baransu wo utta otoko The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance Un tiro en la noche Ο άνθρωπος που σκότωσε τον Λίμπερτι Βάλανς който застреля Либърти Валънс который застрелил Либерти Вэланса Людина Человек Човекът що вбила Лiбертi Веленса