Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation
Everyone’s favorite chainsaw-wielding psychopath, Leatherface, is back for more prom-night gore, and this time he’s joined by his bloodthirsty family. Four stranded yet carefree teens are taken in by a backwoods family, clueless of their host family’s grisly habits. The terrified youths, including sweet Jenny, try to escape from Leatherface and his crazed clan, including the bionic Vilmer.
Views: 370
Genre: Comedy, Horror, Thriller
Director: Kim Henkel
Actors: Chris Kilgore, James Gale, Joe Stevens, John Harrison, Lisa Marie Newmyer, Matthew McConaughey, Renée Zellweger, Robert Jacks, Tonie Perensky, Tyler Shea Cone, Vince Brock
Keywords:A texasi láncfűrészes gyilkos visszatér Akuma no ikenie: Rejendo obu Rezâfeisu El regreso de la masacre de Texas ilk sen oyla! 256 Görüntülenme Anasayfa > 720p film izle Teksas Testere Katliami: Ileriki Nesil Kruvinos skerdynes Teksase. Kita karta La matanza de Texas: La nueva generación Masacre en Texas: la nueva generación Masakr v Texasu Massacre à la tronçonneuse: la nouvelle génération Massacre no Texas: O Regresso Motorsågsmassakern 4 Non aprite quella porta IV O Massacre da Serra Elétrica: O Retorno O shizofrenis dolofonos me to prioni 4 O shizofrenis dolofonos me to prioni: I epistrofi Povratak teksačkog masakra motornom testerom Sizin Oyunuz: Haydi Teksanska masakra pila mechaniczna IV Teksanska masakra pila mechaniczna: Nastepne pokolenie Teksas Testere Katliami: Ileriki Nesil Texas Chainsaw Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Die Rückkehr Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation Texase saemõrvar: uus põlvkond Texasin moottorisahamurhaaja - uusi sukupolvi Texasin moottorisahamurhat - uusi sukupolvi The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation Техасская резня бензопилой 4: Новое поколение