Steel Magnolias
This heart wrenching drama is about a beauty shop, in Louisana owned by Truvy, and the tragedies of all of her clients.
Views: 473
Director: Herbert Ross
Actors: Bill McCutcheon, Daryl Hannah, Dolly Parton, Dylan McDermott, Julia Roberts, Kevin J. O'Connor, Olympia Dukakis, Sally Field, Sam Shepard, Shirley MacLaine, Tom Skerritt
Keywords:Acélmagnóliák Anthismenes manolies Blommor av stål Blomster av stål Celicne magnolije Çelik manolyalar Det stærke køn Fiori d'acciaio Flores de acero Flores de Aço Jeklene magnolije Magnolias de acero Magnolien aus Stahl Magnolien aus Stahl - Die Stärke der Frauen Ocelové magnólie Passions tourmentées Plienines magnolijos Potins de femmes Stalowe magnolie Teräskukat Terasmagnooliad Ανθισμένες μανόλιες Стальные магнолии Стоманени магнолии