Drama series follows the life Jang Yeong-Sil: a scientist, technician and inventor during the Joseon period. Jang Yeong-Sil was born in the lower class nobi. King Sejong notices his abilities…
Metalocalypse is an American animated television series, created by Brendon Small and Tommy Blacha, which premiered on August 6, 2006 on Adult Swim. The television program centers around the larger…
Danny is a gregarious, hedonistic romantic who gets drawn into the dangerous world of British espionage in this contemporary, emotional thriller. He falls for the anti-social but enigmatic Alex, both…
Abby Hatcher is part girl, part superhero; living in a world full of fuzzlies. When a fuzzly friend needs help, Abby takes action – going on a mission to make…
Known for his court show, “Judge Mathis,” Greg Mathis Sr. holds the record for the longest-running daytime show hosted by an African American male. While he’s a boss in the…