Student Athlete
Unveils the exploitative world of high-revenue college sports through the stories of young men at varying stages in their athletic careers.
Occupy Unmasked
Occupy Unmasked features the conservative visionary Andrew Breitbart and journalists Brandon Darby, David Horowitz, Pam Keys, Anita MonCrief, Mandy Nagy, and Lee Stranahan. Written and directed by award-winning director, Stephen…
Creating Freedom: The Lottery of Birth
THE LOTTERY OF BIRTH is the first in a three-part documentary series entitled ‘Creating Freedom’ exploring the relationship between freedom, power and control in Western democracies. The series draws together…
Crazy, Not Insane
Fascinated by the human brain and its capacity for ruthlessness, psychiatrist Dr. Dorothy Otnow Lewis has spent her life investigating the interior lives of violent people. With each case, she…
Ear Buds: The Podcasting Documentary
Exploration of the podcasting medium via interviews with several big names in the field and their fans.
Anthony “The Mooch” Scaramucci may have been the shortest tenured White House Communications Director, but he sure left a big impression. Compiled over a four-year span, ‘Mooch’ tells the only-in-Trump’s-America…
The Wall – Climb for Gold
Four female climbers face the sporting challenge of a lifetime as they attempt to compete in the first ever Olympic climbing competition at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. The Wall: Climb…
Trophy Kids
The growing obsession of parents in the scholastic athletic competition of their children is the focus of this first installment in HBO Sports innovative new documentary series. Each new edition…
A Glitch in the Matrix
Are we in fact living in a simulation? This is the question postulated, wrestled with, and ultimately argued for through archival footage, compelling interviews with real people shrouded in digital…
Winston Churchill: Walking with Destiny
Walking With Destiny highlights Churchill’s years in the political wilderness, his early opposition to Adolf Hitler and Nazism, and his support for Jews under threat by the Nazi regime. As…
The Creep Behind the Camera
An exploration of the making of b-movie sci-fi cult classic “The Creeping Terror” and its con-man director Art “A.J.” Nelson/Vic Savage.
Drop by Drop
A Wisconsin doctor’s controversial allergy treatment is shunned by the medical community for over half a century. Is a cure for the growing allergy epidemic on the horizon or will…