Frustrated with babysitting on yet another weekend night, Sarah – a teenager with an active imagination – summons the Goblins from her favourite book, “Labyrinth”, to take the baby stepbrother away. When little Toby actually disappears, Sarah must follow him into the world of the fairytale to rescue him from the Goblin King!
Views: 309
Genre: Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Musical
Director: Jim Henson
Actors: Brian Henson, Christopher Malcolm, Dave Goelz, David Bowie, Jennifer Connelly, Natalie Finland, Rob Mills, Ron Mueck, Shari Weiser, Shelley Thompson, Toby Froud
Keywords:a Magia do Tempo Dentro del laberinto Die Reise ins Labyrinth Fantasztikus labirintus Laberinto Labirint Labirintas Labirinto Labirynt Labyrint Labyrinten til troldkongens slot Labyrinth Labyrinth - Dove tutto è possibile Labyrinthe Labyrintti Lavirint Lavyrinthos O Labirinto Völundarhús Λαβύρινθος Лабiринт Лабиринт