When obscenely rich hedge-fund manager James is convicted of fraud and sentenced to a stretch in San Quentin, the judge gives him one month to get his affairs in order….
Briar Bear, Bramble Bear & friends enjoy life in the woods when Logger Vick begins chopping down trees to get money to go home for the holidays. As Logger Vick…
A dark comedy about a woman named Leslie Heart who inherits a horse and, in an attempt to elevate her failing status within her high society circle, trains it to…
Wiener-Dog tells several stories featuring people who find their life inspired or changed by one particular dachshund, who seems to be spreading a certain kind of comfort and joy. Man’s…
Fifteen year old Eddie’s mother falls very ill after a serious car accident. Eddie and his brother Stewart end up having to take care of themselves and one night when…
Men & Chicken is a black comedy about two outcast brothers, who by getting to know their unknown family also discover a horrible truth about themselves and their relatives.
Andrew Schulz delivers his latest comedy special INFAMOUS, a daring, raw performance filmed during his 10 month sold-out’ “Infamous Tour” at The Paramount in Austin, TX. For Schulz nothing is…