Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
Gellert Grindelwald has escaped imprisonment and has begun gathering followers to his cause—elevating wizards above all non-magical beings. The only one capable of putting a stop to him is the wizard he once called his closest friend, Albus Dumbledore. However, Dumbledore will need to seek help from the wizard who had thwarted Grindelwald once before, his former student Newt Scamander.
Views: 1961
Director: David Yates
Actors: Alison Sudol, Callum Turner, Carmen Ejogo, Claudia Kim, Dan Fogler, Eddie Redmayne, Ezra Miller, Johnny Depp, Jude Law, Katherine Waterston, Zoë Kravitz
Keywords:Animais Fantásticos: Os Crimes de Grindelwald Animale Fantastice: Crimele lui Grindelwald Animales Fantásticos: Los crímenes de Grindelwald Animali fantastici: I crimini di Grindelwald Fabeldyr: Grindelwalds Forbrytelser Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 2 Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald Fantastická zvířata: Grindelwaldovy zločiny Fantastické zvery: Grindelwaldove zločiny Fantastik Canavarlar: Grindelwald'in Suçlari Fantastiska vidunder: Grindelwalds brott Fantastiske skabninger: Grindelwalds forbrydelser Fantastyczne zwierzeta: Zbrodnie Grindelwalda Ihmeotukset: Grindelwaldin rikokset Legendás állatok - Grindelwald bűntettei Les Animaux fantastiques: Les Crimes de Grindelwald Monstros Fantásticos e Onde Encontrá-los 2 Monstros Fantásticos: Os Crimes de Grindelwald Phantastische Tierwesen: Grindelwalds Verbrechen Sinh Vat Huyen Bi 2 Sinh Vat Huyen Bi: Toi Ac Cua Grindelwald Φανταστικά ζώα: Τα εγκλήματα του Γκρίντελβαλντ Фантастические твари: Преступления Грин-де-Вальда Фантастичнi звiрi: Злочини Грiндельвальда Фантастични животни: Престъпленията на Гриндълуолд