Top Chef Season 8 Episode 4
The chefs unexpectedly find themselves without even their knives when they are asked to make stuffing. Next up is catering an event at the U.S. Open.
Snackmasters Australia
A cooking contest hosted by Scott Pickett and Poh Ling Yeow, where highly awarded chefs at the top of their game, go head-to-head to perfectly replicate famous Aussie snacks. Plus,…
Judge Judy
Judge Judy is an American arbitration-based reality court show presided over by retired Manhattan Family Court Judge Judith Sheindlin. The show features Sheindlin adjudicating real-life small claims disputes within a…
Brain Games
Get ready to have your mind messed with! “Brain Games” is a groundbreaking series that uses interactive experiments, misdirection and tricks to demonstrate how our brains create the illusion of…
Double Dare
Twoteamsoftwochildren,ages9through13,competedinthisclassickiddiegameshowofquestionsandphysicalchallenges.Atthebeginningofeachshow,thetwoteams(eachwithsuchnamesasWackyWormheadsorSlimySuperkids)competedinaphysicalchallenge(describedbelow).Thewinnerofthephysicalchallengewouldgaincontrolofthefirstroundquestions.HostSummersaskedthequestion,towhichtheteamcouldanswerfor$10ordare(i.e.,challenge)theopposingteamtoanswerfor$20.However,theopponentscoulddoubledare(ergo,challengeback)theoriginalteamtoanswer;theoriginalteamcouldthenanswerfor$40orcompleteaphysicalchallenge,anoftenmessystuntthathadtobecompletedwithin10,15,20,or30seconds.Physicalchallengestuntscouldincludeoneteammemberwrappinghis/herpartnerinagianttortillashellanddrophotsauceonit;havingtothrowthreeballoonsfilledwithfingerpaintatatarget,whilehavingtoselectfrom…[email protected]
The story of a young girl inventor who is way ahead of her time. Utilizing creative out-of-the-box thinking, she designs inventions and contraptions in the hopes of making the world…
Nikita will stop at nothing to expose and destroy Division, the secret U.S. agency who trained her as a spy and assassin.