The Cars That Made America
The histories of famous American automobiles and their equally iconic manufacturers are explored.
Samantha Stephens is a pretty, typical American housewife who just happens to be a witch.
The 1980s: The Deadliest Decade
In a gripping six-part mini-series, Investigation Discovery transports viewers on a bittersweet and terrifying journey back in time, revealing the dark side of America’s favorite decade.
The Innocence Files
The personal stories behind eight cases of wrongful conviction that the Innocence Project and organizations within the Innocence Network have worked to highlight and overturn.
Love Kills
Small Time Gangster
Small Time Gangster is an Australian drama series produced by Boilermaker-Burberry Entertainment for Movie Extra subscription television channel. The series follows the adventures of Tony Piccolo, a man who works…
A League Of Their Own
DuringWorldWarIIwhenallthemenarefightingthewar,mostofthejobsthatwereleftvacantbecauseoftheirabsencewerefilledinbywomen.Theownersofthebaseballteams,notwantingbaseballtobedormantindefinitely,decidetoformteamswithwomen.Soscoutsaresentalloverthecountrytofindwomenplayers.Oneofthescouts,passesthroughOregonandfindsawomannamedDottieHinson,whoisincredible.Heapproachesherandaskshertotryoutbutshe’snotinterested.However,hersister,KitwhowantstogetoutofOregon,offerstogo.Butheagreesonlyifshecangethersistertogo.Whentheytryout,they’rechosenandareonthesameteam.JimmyDugan,aformerplayer,who’snowadrunk,istheteammanager.Buthedoesn’tfeelasifit’sarealjobsohedrinksandisnotexactlydoinghisjob.SoDottiestepsup.Afterafewmonthswhenitappearsthegirlsarenotgarneringanyattention,theleagueisfacingclosuretillDottiedoessomethingthat…[email protected]
Married at First Sight
The Planets
The story of the discovery and exploration of the planets, revealing the deepest secrets of our neighbors in space.
Have I Got News for You
Hilarious, totally-irreverent, near-slanderous political quiz show, based mainly on news stories from the last week or so, that leaves no party, personality or action unscathed in pursuit of laughs.