Tin Star Season 1 Episode 7
Whitey and Anna grow closer, as Angela calls on Jack to finish what she asked for. Elizabeth uncovers a dreadful event at a nearby reserve.
The Spoils of Babylon
Power Rangers
A team of teenagers with attitude are recruited to save Angel Grove from the evil witch, Rita Repulsa, and later, Lord Zedd, Emperor of all he sees, and their horde…
Duck & Goose
Feathered friends Duck and Goose couldn’t be more different, but in this preschool show, they learn how to bring out the best in one another. Based on books by Tad…
Last Man Standing
Infinity Train
Years of Living Dangerously
Featuring some of Hollywood’s most influential stars, Years of Living Dangerously reveals emotional and hard-hitting accounts of the effects of climate change from across the planet.
Zoids: Chaotic Century
Van discovers a Zoid Organoid in an abandoned laboratory while running from two strangers piloting Zoids. Also in the laboratory, in an animated suspension tube is a strange girl. He…
Storage Wars: Northern Treasures
Love at First Lie
A League Of Their Own
DuringWorldWarIIwhenallthemenarefightingthewar,mostofthejobsthatwereleftvacantbecauseoftheirabsencewerefilledinbywomen.Theownersofthebaseballteams,notwantingbaseballtobedormantindefinitely,decidetoformteamswithwomen.Soscoutsaresentalloverthecountrytofindwomenplayers.Oneofthescouts,passesthroughOregonandfindsawomannamedDottieHinson,whoisincredible.Heapproachesherandaskshertotryoutbutshe’snotinterested.However,hersister,KitwhowantstogetoutofOregon,offerstogo.Butheagreesonlyifshecangethersistertogo.Whentheytryout,they’rechosenandareonthesameteam.JimmyDugan,aformerplayer,who’snowadrunk,istheteammanager.Buthedoesn’tfeelasifit’sarealjobsohedrinksandisnotexactlydoinghisjob.SoDottiestepsup.Afterafewmonthswhenitappearsthegirlsarenotgarneringanyattention,theleagueisfacingclosuretillDottiedoessomethingthat…[email protected]