The Bachelor Season 5 Episode 3
Jesse and the women take compatibility tests to see who will go on one-on-one dates, a two-on-one date, and a six-on-one date.
Solo Date: Dinner and a Movie with Suzie Suzie was chosen because her and Jesse were the closest match from the Compatability Test. They share a kiss during their date.
Two-On-One Date: Pub and Massage with Mandy J. and Trish Jesse kisses both women on their alone times.
2nd Solo Date: Dinner and Dancing with Tara They share a kiss during their date.
Final Date (Six-On-One Date): Habitat for Humanity Build with Katie, Julie, Karen, Jessica B., Jenny S., and Jesse During this date the women and Jesse help build a house.
Roses went to:
* Mandy J. * Suzie * Tara * Jessica B. * Karen * Trish