Double Dare
Twoteamsoftwochildren,ages9through13,competedinthisclassickiddiegameshowofquestionsandphysicalchallenges.Atthebeginningofeachshow,thetwoteams(eachwithsuchnamesasWackyWormheadsorSlimySuperkids)competedinaphysicalchallenge(describedbelow).Thewinnerofthephysicalchallengewouldgaincontrolofthefirstroundquestions.HostSummersaskedthequestion,towhichtheteamcouldanswerfor$10ordare(i.e.,challenge)theopposingteamtoanswerfor$20.However,theopponentscoulddoubledare(ergo,challengeback)theoriginalteamtoanswer;theoriginalteamcouldthenanswerfor$40orcompleteaphysicalchallenge,anoftenmessystuntthathadtobecompletedwithin10,15,20,or30seconds.Physicalchallengestuntscouldincludeoneteammemberwrappinghis/herpartnerinagianttortillashellanddrophotsauceonit;havingtothrowthreeballoonsfilledwithfingerpaintatatarget,whilehavingtoselectfrom…[email protected]
The Alternativity
Dark Matter: After Dark
Aladdin is an animated television series made by Walt Disney Television which aired from 1994 to 1995, based on the original 1992 feature. It was animated at the Slightly Offbeat…
Hate Thy Neighbour
With the far-right on the rise in the UK, US and Europe, comedian Jamali Maddix goes on a tour to confront groups spreading hate across the world. Yet this is…
Apocalypse: The Second World War
A six-part French documentary about the Second World War composed exclusively of actual footage of the war as filmed by war correspondents, soldiers, resistance fighters and private citizens. The series…
Black Market
In his most personal project to date, Michael K. Williams explores underground economies in America and around the world.
Smartest Guy in the Room
Smartest Guy in the Room pits geniuses with 140+ IQs against one another as they compete in challenges involving feats of skill across a variety of topics.
True Life
True Life is a documentary series running on MTV since March 24, 1998. Each episode follows a particular topic, such as heroin addiction as in the first episode, “Fatal Dose.”…