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- Motives & Murders: Cracking The Case Season 7 Episode 2
The Playbook
Coaches with championship résumés share their personal rules for success in sports and life in this reflective and inspiring documentary series.
Kiba, a fantasy anime by Madhouse and Aniplex, began broadcasting on TV Tokyo on April 5, 2006. The series is directed by Hiroshi Kōjina with Upper Deck Japan, a trading…
Finding Carter
Winter Break Hunter Mountain
Niespotykanie spokojny czlowiek
Brews Brothers
Gold Coast
Karen’smarriedtoFrank,amillionairewhohasnomoralsandahypocrite.it’salrightforhimtofoolaroundbutnotforher.Sowhenshehasanaffairandbragstohimaboutit,hevowstogetbackather.Whenhediesafterhavingoneofhistrysts,heleaveshermillionsofdollarsbutintrust,andalsohehasleftinstructionsthatifhiswifegetsinvolvedwithsomeonethattheyshouldbewarnedoff.Maguire’samanwhodidajobforFrankbutwasnotpaidforitsohegoestoKarenhopingtocollectwhatFrankoweshim.Whentheymeetthere’sanattraction.AndtheyalsohavetodealwithRolandthemanwho’sbeenassignedtokeepallmenawayfromKarenbutwhenhelearnswhatshehas,[email protected]
MythBusters: The Search
The search for an all-new generation of myth-busting science superstars with mind-blowing build skills and nerves of steel. Using social media and spectacular stunts, a cast of fearless hopefuls are…
Dying to Belong
The Beaverton
The Business of Drugs
To detail how drugs push people into risky — even deadly — behaviors, a former CIA analyst investigates the economics of six illicit substances.
The Secret Life of the American Teenager
Amy and her friends at Grant High learn to define themselves while they navigate the perilous waters of contemporary adolescence. Between their love triangles, secrets, drama, accusations, gossip, confusion, and…