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- Marvel’s Runaways Season 1 Episode 3

Marvel’s Runaways Season 1 Episode 3
The kids are reeling following last night’s events. As an investigation begins, they discover their parents may have more to hide than they could have imagined.
Head Above Water
This docuseries follows elite Australian swimmers Ian Thorpe AM, Bronte Campbell OAM and Kyle Chalmers OAM, as well as former-junior-champion-turned-international-musician, Cody Simpson in the lead up to the 2021 Summer…
Double Dare
Twoteamsoftwochildren,ages9through13,competedinthisclassickiddiegameshowofquestionsandphysicalchallenges.Atthebeginningofeachshow,thetwoteams(eachwithsuchnamesasWackyWormheadsorSlimySuperkids)competedinaphysicalchallenge(describedbelow).Thewinnerofthephysicalchallengewouldgaincontrolofthefirstroundquestions.HostSummersaskedthequestion,towhichtheteamcouldanswerfor$10ordare(i.e.,challenge)theopposingteamtoanswerfor$20.However,theopponentscoulddoubledare(ergo,challengeback)theoriginalteamtoanswer;theoriginalteamcouldthenanswerfor$40orcompleteaphysicalchallenge,anoftenmessystuntthathadtobecompletedwithin10,15,20,or30seconds.Physicalchallengestuntscouldincludeoneteammemberwrappinghis/herpartnerinagianttortillashellanddrophotsauceonit;havingtothrowthreeballoonsfilledwithfingerpaintatatarget,whilehavingtoselectfrom…[email protected]
Bandit Patrol
One of Us Is Lying
The story of what happens when five high schoolers walk into detention and only four make it out alive. Everyone is a suspect, and everyone has something to hide.
The Lowe Files
Follow Rob Lowe and his two sons, Matthew and John Owen, as they investigate unsolved legends and eerie age-old stories on a bonding family adventure years in the making.
LOL: Australia
Hosted by Rebel Wilson, 10 of Australia’s finest comedians battle it out to see who can keep a straight face while simultaneously trying to make their opponents laugh. Comedians who…
Madam Secretary
The Cost of Winning
In 2018, a nearly 200-year-old Catholic school, located in the heart of a neighborhood rife with gun violence and grinding socioeconomic challenges, became a source of both immense pride and…
Adventures of Superman
With powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men, Superman battles for truth and justice.