Lizzie McGuire Season 2 Episode 24
Lizzie and Miranda’s new English teacher Mr. Keith is really from England–and really cute, too! All the girls are ga-ga from the minute they see him, and once he starts teaching them about the love poetry of Robert Burns, they’re all under his spell. (Even Gordo and Tudge like him after he tells them how much girls go for this poetry stuff.) Lizzie decides she wants to be the one girl that Mr. Keith notices, so she begins talking with him and bringing him little presents. But this puts her in direct conflict with her best friend Miranda, who’s doing the same thing, not to mention other girls too, like Kate and Veruca.
Meanwhile at home, the McGuires get a surprise–Dad has neglected to tell the rest of the family that they’ll be keeping Fredo the chimp for a week while his owners are out of town. When Fredo arrives, Matt is very wary–he remembers how much trouble the chimp got him in once before. But soon Matt starts taking kindly to Fredo, and he becomes almost like a brother! Lizzi