Living Single Season 3 Episode 8
Kyle fears that his firm’s new client, esteemed actress Jacqueline Richards, is coming on to him. He makes a fool of himself trying to reject her advances. She assures him that she only wants to be friends, but Kyle feels as though he is her lackey when she buys him gifts and takes him to expensive restaurants in exchange for errands. He draws the line at cleaning up after her poodles. Kyle agrees to be her friend, but tries to help her realize that true friendships are not based on monetary compensation. Khadijah is embarrassed when L.O.O.F.A., a children’s group for which Synclaire volunteers, names her its hero of the year, on the basis of a lie she once told Synclaire about pulling a man from a burning car during their youth. Khadijah saves the man from choking after the ceremony, but Synclaire doesn’t believe her.
Tag: Khadijah actually saves Mr. McGinty.
Music: “”Someone to Watch Over Me,”” sung by Eartha Kitt and T.C. Carson