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- Lachey’s Bar Season 1 Episode 5
Kirstie & Phil’s Love It or List It
Gold Coast
Karen’smarriedtoFrank,amillionairewhohasnomoralsandahypocrite.it’salrightforhimtofoolaroundbutnotforher.Sowhenshehasanaffairandbragstohimaboutit,hevowstogetbackather.Whenhediesafterhavingoneofhistrysts,heleaveshermillionsofdollarsbutintrust,andalsohehasleftinstructionsthatifhiswifegetsinvolvedwithsomeonethattheyshouldbewarnedoff.Maguire’samanwhodidajobforFrankbutwasnotpaidforitsohegoestoKarenhopingtocollectwhatFrankoweshim.Whentheymeetthere’sanattraction.AndtheyalsohavetodealwithRolandthemanwho’sbeenassignedtokeepallmenawayfromKarenbutwhenhelearnswhatshehas,[email protected]
The Gary Owen Show
Miz and Mrs
WWE Superstars The Miz and Maryse balance becoming first-time parents with their fast-paced lives.
Bobcat Goldthwait’s Misfits & Monsters
This scripted anthology series mashes up wildly different genres to tell suspenseful stories with funny, imaginative twists. Each episode turns familiar tropes inside out to create a curated and eclectic…
The Hunters
DeMarcus Family Rules
Rascal Flatts bassist Jay DeMarcus and ex-beauty queen Allison DeMarcus write their own rules for juggling family and fun in this reality show.
Team Kaylie
After a brush with the law, teen celebrity Kaylie Konrad swaps social stardom for court-ordered chaos as a middle school wilderness club leader.