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- Impossible Engineering Season 1 Episode 3

Impossible Engineering Season 1 Episode 3
Soaring over 2,000 feet into the sky, the Shanghai Tower is the second tallest building in the world, and a futuristic engineering marvel. Discovery how cutting-edge technology means that the building’s occupants will never feel it sway.
Law & Order: Criminal Intent
The third installment of the “Law & Order” franchise takes viewers deep into the minds of its criminals while following the intense psychological approaches the Major Case Squad uses to…
Double Dare
Twoteamsoftwochildren,ages9through13,competedinthisclassickiddiegameshowofquestionsandphysicalchallenges.Atthebeginningofeachshow,thetwoteams(eachwithsuchnamesasWackyWormheadsorSlimySuperkids)competedinaphysicalchallenge(describedbelow).Thewinnerofthephysicalchallengewouldgaincontrolofthefirstroundquestions.HostSummersaskedthequestion,towhichtheteamcouldanswerfor$10ordare(i.e.,challenge)theopposingteamtoanswerfor$20.However,theopponentscoulddoubledare(ergo,challengeback)theoriginalteamtoanswer;theoriginalteamcouldthenanswerfor$40orcompleteaphysicalchallenge,anoftenmessystuntthathadtobecompletedwithin10,15,20,or30seconds.Physicalchallengestuntscouldincludeoneteammemberwrappinghis/herpartnerinagianttortillashellanddrophotsauceonit;havingtothrowthreeballoonsfilledwithfingerpaintatatarget,whilehavingtoselectfrom…[email protected]
Lifeline, set in the not-too-distant future, is a half hour series about a little known life insurance company that sends its agents forward 33 days in time to prevent the…
ReGenesis is a Canadian television program produced by The Movie Network and Movie Central in conjunction with Shaftesbury Films. The series, which ran for four seasons, revolves around the scientists…
Violet Evergarden
The war is over, and Violet Evergarden needs a job. Scarred and emotionless, she takes a job as a letter writer to understand herself and her past.
100 Foot Wave
The decade-long odyssey of surfing pioneer Garrett McNamara, who, after visiting Nazaré, Portugal in hopes of conquering a 100-foot wave, pushed the sport to ever-greater heights and alongside locals helped…
Food Unwrapped
The food and science series that travels the world to explore the industry secrets behind our favourite produce, industry secrets, and how foods are really made.
Jon Richardson Grows Up
This three-part series follows comedian Jon Richardson and his friend Matt Forde as they face up to the adult realities of mortgages, marriage and parenthood.
An action-packed adventure series following a fun-loving, hard living trio of interplanetary bounty hunters (a.k.a. Killjoys) sworn to remain impartial as they chase deadly warrants around the Quad, a system…
Most Expensivest
2 Chainz uncovers all of the extravagant ways the 1% enjoys blowing its load.
Selena + Chef