Gold Coast
Karen’smarriedtoFrank,’salrightforhimtofoolaroundbutnotforher.Sowhenshehasanaffairandbragstohimaboutit,hevowstogetbackather.Whenhediesafterhavingoneofhistrysts,heleaveshermillionsofdollarsbutintrust,andalsohehasleftinstructionsthatifhiswifegetsinvolvedwithsomeonethattheyshouldbewarnedoff.Maguire’samanwhodidajobforFrankbutwasnotpaidforitsohegoestoKarenhopingtocollectwhatFrankoweshim.Whentheymeetthere’sanattraction.AndtheyalsohavetodealwithRolandthemanwho’sbeenassignedtokeepallmenawayfromKarenbutwhenhelearnswhatshehas,[email protected]
Pure Genius
Henry Hugglemonster
Henry Hugglemonster is the story of a mischievous 5-year-old monster named Henry who loves adventures, discoveries, and being with his family. Each day brings new opportunities for Henry to explore…
The Menendez Murders: Erik Tells All
Kindred Spirits
Destination Truth
Destination Truth is a weekly American paranormal reality television series that premiered on June 6, 2007, on Syfy. Produced by Mandt Bros. Productions and Ping Pong Productions, the program follows…
På liv och död
American Housewife
House of Bond
Tower Prep
Ian Archer wakes up one morning to find himself at a mysterious academy for teens with special abilities. Unable to find answers to his questions from the school’s faculty and…