Flaked Season 2 Episode 5
London vanishes, sending Chip on a desperate search to replace her. Dennis panics when a fall off the wagon derails his sobriety and his business.
Alaska Haunting
Ciao Italia
The Proof is Out There
Each episode analyzes and passes verdicts on several seemingly impossible things “caught on film,” including giant beasts, UFOS, apocalyptic sounds, hairy humans, alleged mutants from the deep, conspiracies, and many…
The Deed
A League Of Their Own
DuringWorldWarIIwhenallthemenarefightingthewar,mostofthejobsthatwereleftvacantbecauseoftheirabsencewerefilledinbywomen.Theownersofthebaseballteams,notwantingbaseballtobedormantindefinitely,decidetoformteamswithwomen.Soscoutsaresentalloverthecountrytofindwomenplayers.Oneofthescouts,passesthroughOregonandfindsawomannamedDottieHinson,whoisincredible.Heapproachesherandaskshertotryoutbutshe’snotinterested.However,hersister,KitwhowantstogetoutofOregon,offerstogo.Butheagreesonlyifshecangethersistertogo.Whentheytryout,they’rechosenandareonthesameteam.JimmyDugan,aformerplayer,who’snowadrunk,istheteammanager.Buthedoesn’tfeelasifit’sarealjobsohedrinksandisnotexactlydoinghisjob.SoDottiestepsup.Afterafewmonthswhenitappearsthegirlsarenotgarneringanyattention,theleagueisfacingclosuretillDottiedoessomethingthat…[email protected]
Dinosaur Train
Dinosaur Train is an American animated series created by Craig Bartlett. The series features a curious young Tyrannosaurus Rex named Buddy who, together with his adopted Pteranodon family, takes the…
Big Papi Needs a Job
David Ortiz, the one and only Big Papi, has jacked his last mammoth home run into the Fenway stands. He retired after the 2016 season as one of the most…
Brand New Cherry Flavor
A filmmaker heads to Hollywood in the early ’90s to make her movie but tumbles down a hallucinatory rabbit hole of sex, magic, revenge — and kittens.