The Good Fight
Hardcore survivalists are put by themselves in the Vancouver Island wilderness, without camera crews, teams, or producers – on a single mission to stay alive for as long as possible.
Knock Knock Live
With Ryan Seacrest in a Los Angeles-based studio, a remote team travels across the country, surprising unsuspecting people at their front doors with a chance to win big cash prizes,…
The Pacific
Track the intertwined real-life stories of three U.S. Marines – Robert Leckie, John Basilone, and Eugene Sledge – across the vast canvas of the Pacific Theater during World War II….
The Chair
This documentary series follows two first-time film directors, Shane Dawson and Anna Martemucci, who are given the opportunity to direct separate films adapted from the same original screenplay. “The Chair”…
People Magazine Investigates
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JohnnyAysgarthisahandsomegamblerwhoseemstolivebyborrowingmoneyfromfriends.HemeetsshyLinaMcLaidlawonatrainwhilsttryingtotravelinafirstclasscarriagewithathirdclassticket.HebeginstocourtLinaandbeforelongtheyaremarried.ItisonlyafterthehoneymoonthatshediscovershistruecharacterandshestartstobecomesuspiciouswhenJohnny’sfriendandbusinesspartner,Beaky,[email protected]