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- Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee Season 6 Episode 4

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee Season 6 Episode 4
Jerry chooses a 1979 VW Bug police car for good buddy Bill Maher because, as he says, Maher seems to have authority but actually has none. Case in point: when Maher talks politics, Jerry asks, “Boxers or briefs?”
Criminal Minds
An elite team of FBI profilers analyze the country’s most twisted criminal minds, anticipating their next moves before they strike again. The Behavioral Analysis Unit’s most experienced agent is David…
VH1 Family Reunion: Love & Hip Hop Edition
FBI: International
Follow the elite agents of the FBI’s International Fly Team as they travel the world with the mission of protecting Americans wherever they may be.
Night Sky
Irene and Franklin York, a retired couple, have a secret: a Chamber buried in their backyard that miraculously leads to a strange, deserted planet. When an enigmatic young man arrives,…
Double Dare
Twoteamsoftwochildren,ages9through13,competedinthisclassickiddiegameshowofquestionsandphysicalchallenges.Atthebeginningofeachshow,thetwoteams(eachwithsuchnamesasWackyWormheadsorSlimySuperkids)competedinaphysicalchallenge(describedbelow).Thewinnerofthephysicalchallengewouldgaincontrolofthefirstroundquestions.HostSummersaskedthequestion,towhichtheteamcouldanswerfor$10ordare(i.e.,challenge)theopposingteamtoanswerfor$20.However,theopponentscoulddoubledare(ergo,challengeback)theoriginalteamtoanswer;theoriginalteamcouldthenanswerfor$40orcompleteaphysicalchallenge,anoftenmessystuntthathadtobecompletedwithin10,15,20,or30seconds.Physicalchallengestuntscouldincludeoneteammemberwrappinghis/herpartnerinagianttortillashellanddrophotsauceonit;havingtothrowthreeballoonsfilledwithfingerpaintatatarget,whilehavingtoselectfrom…[email protected]
Dark Matter
The six-person crew of a derelict spaceship awakens from stasis in the farthest reaches of space. Their memories wiped clean, they have no recollection of who they are or how…
No Activity
Ocean Warriors