Atlas Of Cursed Places
Author and adventurer Sam Sheridan travels the globe in search of the most cursed places on Earth. Entrenching himself in macabre modern day culture, Sam explores the region’s haunting history…
The Alec Baldwin Show
This documentary series, made in partnership with Vox, explain some of the world’s current trends, from politics, to science to pop culture.
The Sounds
Set against the backdrop of the stunning Marlborough Sounds in New Zealand, Maggie and Tom arrive to escape his oppressive family and start a business. When Tom disappears, buried secrets…
The Bible
The story of God’s creation of the Earth and the landmark events leading up to the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Part 14
Blind Date Australia
Blind Date, the world’s greatest dating show, is coming to Australia in 2018 and Julia Morris is stepping into the role of mischievous matchmaker!
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
“Get your muzzle out of those books and make some friends!” That’s what Princess Celestia tells Twilight Sparkle. She may be the smartest unicorn in Equestria, but Twilight Sparkle gets…
A League Of Their Own
DuringWorldWarIIwhenallthemenarefightingthewar,mostofthejobsthatwereleftvacantbecauseoftheirabsencewerefilledinbywomen.Theownersofthebaseballteams,notwantingbaseballtobedormantindefinitely,decidetoformteamswithwomen.Soscoutsaresentalloverthecountrytofindwomenplayers.Oneofthescouts,passesthroughOregonandfindsawomannamedDottieHinson,whoisincredible.Heapproachesherandaskshertotryoutbutshe’snotinterested.However,hersister,KitwhowantstogetoutofOregon,offerstogo.Butheagreesonlyifshecangethersistertogo.Whentheytryout,they’rechosenandareonthesameteam.JimmyDugan,aformerplayer,who’snowadrunk,istheteammanager.Buthedoesn’tfeelasifit’sarealjobsohedrinksandisnotexactlydoinghisjob.SoDottiestepsup.Afterafewmonthswhenitappearsthegirlsarenotgarneringanyattention,theleagueisfacingclosuretillDottiedoessomethingthat…[email protected]