Big Brother Season 4 Episode 8
On the first eviction night of Big Brother 2003, 20 year old housemate Anouska is voted out by the public. In the first of the two episodes tonight, a selection of the highlights from the past 24 hours in the house is aired, giving viewers thier last chance to decide upon who to evict from the game. Highlights included Nush chipping one of her front teeth while playing a party game with her housemates, and all four evictee’s discussing thier feelings about the pending announcement with Big Brother in the privacy of the diary room. When Davina announces the result, Anouska is evicted, the mood amongst the twleve housemates is a sober one. Gos in particular seems very upset by the shock of having someone evicted and Anouska sheds tears, and hugs everyone thanking them for thier support.
In the later episode, Davina presents a live show in which Anouska is evicted from the house to be greeted by the 1,000+ strong crowed awaiting her outside. In a new edition to Big Brother 4, all evicted