Baywatch Season 4 Episode 20
When the Baywatch gang find out that their jobs are in jeopardy due to budget cuts, everyone decide to volunteer as civilian lifeguards. At the same time on the beach, a couple named David and Julia is having a romantic time. When David proposes to Julia, the engagement ring falls into the water. David dives in after the ring, but the onrushing tide forces a rock to fall down on his hand and he is trapped.
Meanwhile Matt and Summer are going to have a picnic on the beach when they see Julia on some cliffs. They dive in after David and bring him to safety just in time. When David and Julia arrive to headquarters with Matt and Summer, Mitch gets an idea. Instead of showing the county commissioners just some statistics, they bring some victims to the beach whom they have rescued during the years.
Among the victims are Charlie Dupree (Episode 29: “”Sandcastles””) who was rescued by Mitch and the Baywatch gang when she lived on the street with her mom. Memo Urueta (Episode 28: “”Point of Attac