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- Alaska State Troopers Season 5 Episode 4

Alaska State Troopers Season 5 Episode 4
An intoxicated man starts trouble with troopers in Butte; arrests are made after a fight in a Fairbanks hotel; an altercation between neighbors involves guns; and brown bears settle into a village dump.
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Karen’smarriedtoFrank,amillionairewhohasnomoralsandahypocrite.it’salrightforhimtofoolaroundbutnotforher.Sowhenshehasanaffairandbragstohimaboutit,hevowstogetbackather.Whenhediesafterhavingoneofhistrysts,heleaveshermillionsofdollarsbutintrust,andalsohehasleftinstructionsthatifhiswifegetsinvolvedwithsomeonethattheyshouldbewarnedoff.Maguire’samanwhodidajobforFrankbutwasnotpaidforitsohegoestoKarenhopingtocollectwhatFrankoweshim.Whentheymeetthere’sanattraction.AndtheyalsohavetodealwithRolandthemanwho’sbeenassignedtokeepallmenawayfromKarenbutwhenhelearnswhatshehas,[email protected]